Wednesday, October 12, 2011

The Rolling Tubes We Offer!

Beretta Full Flavor:From their website."In January 2010, we introduced the first cigarette tubes in the Beretta™ product line. Appropriately named the Original series, these tubes distinguish our brand as a leader in innovation. Our objective for this new line is to make a cigarette tube that looks better, smokes better, and sells better than anything on the market today. To accomplish this, we first developed a signature style that is unique to the Beretta™ brand. Our black filter design offers distinct appeal that sets...

Our sign is now on South Virginia!!

Hey all, Just wanted to let you all know that our sign is now visible from S. Virginia st. If this is your first visit to our site or to the shop itself I think that this will give you a little better idea of what you are looking f...

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